Produces a heatmap of wave local multiple correlations.
heatmap_wave.local.multiple.correlation(Lst, xaxt="s", ci=NULL, pdf.write=NULL)
Lst | A list from wave.local.multiple.regression. |
xaxt | An optional vector of labels for the "x" axis. Default is 1:n. |
ci | value to plot: "center" value of confidence interval (i.e. the estimated correlation), the "lower" bound, or the "upper" bound. Default is "center". |
pdf.write | Optional name leader to save files to pdf format. The actual name of the file is "heat_<pdf.write>_WLMC.pdf". |
The routine produces a time series vs. wavelet periods heatmap of wave local multiple correlations.
Heat map.
Fernández-Macho, J., 2018. Time-localized wavelet multiple regression and correlation, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics, vol. 490, p. 1226--1238. <DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2017.11.050>